Randy Juster has a fun topic for his website: art deco architecture. Every client I work with introduces me to something new. Or something old that I never really paid attention to before. I would never have noticed the architecture and interior decor of the TV show “Poirot” if it hadn’t been for working with Randy. The show is steeped in beautiful art deco locations and sets.

Randy has been photographing art deco around the world for decades and has a great collection of photos, including places that are now demolished and lost to the world except in photos like his. He wanted to move from a static HTML website to WordPress. So I handled the installation and customized a theme for him. Then we set up some gallery pages to showcase the photos.

Art Deco Photos

It’s the Simple Things in Life

I’ve spent the last 15 years or so helping people put their passion on the Web. Some sites are beautiful and impressive. Some sites are simple and mundane. But all of them represent the hopes and dreams of my clients. One of the things I enjoy the most is getting a glimpse of so many industries and interests.

A website doesn’t have to be huge or particularly “splashy” in how it presents the information to be effective. A clean, simple blog is a beautiful thing. Randy wanted to be able to display ads for passive revenue, so we set that up, too. Now the site is launched and he is off on the great adventure of publishing his content with WordPress. A new blogger has been born!

Decopix screenshot

Tour the Art Deco World Without Leaving Your Chair

If you want to see some great shots of some historic, artistic architecture, check out Decopix – The Art Deco Architecture site.


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