Reviews & Recommendations
7 Reasons to Support the Enclave Publishing Kickstarter
Why I decided to support the Enclave Publishing 2014 Fall Releases Kickstarter campaign — and why I think you should, too.
Why I decided to support the Enclave Publishing 2014 Fall Releases Kickstarter campaign — and why I think you should, too.
In which Stant Litore offers a list of chapter titles that are high entertainment all by themselves.
I’m attending a writing conference this weekend. There’s a question that writers ask each other, especially when meeting someone new at a conference. “What do you write?” For some reason, despite the years of hearing this question, it still leaves me feeling like a deer in the headlights. Shouldn’t this Read more…
I read an article recently bashing Dave Ramsey’s ministry because the author felt Dave’s approach implies that 1) God wants His people blessed financially and 2) people are individually responsible for their financial state. The author says, “People are poor for a lot of reasons, and choice is certainly a Read more…
I’m going to start answering our home phone that way. “Yes, you can have ice cream.” It started with my daughter going across the street to Grandma’s…
Somewhere between “always strive for excellence” and “just get it out there” is some common sense. Indie authors, be encouraged. Go forth, and publish.