“Christian Fiction”: Identity Theft of the Worst Sort
“Christian” fiction is called such because it is fiction for Christians, right? Then why don’t I like it?
“Christian” fiction is called such because it is fiction for Christians, right? Then why don’t I like it?
Much of Christian fiction is crippled by the same problems as Christian films. What’s the problem?
I’m tired of fooling myself. I’m tired of Christians who don’t believe God would use stories of blood, violence, sex and witchcraft to reach people with the truth. I’m tired of non-Christians who dismiss the concept of God out of hand because somebody told them that “God is dead” and Read more…
In which I declare that I’m a writer, and the world better watch out.
That quote from The Fifth Element is running through my head, where Korben Dallas gets that letter from Gemini Croquette. He opens the letter and it declares: “You’re a winner!” Heh heh. Only this is much better. A free digital subscription to Splickety Magazine, the flash fiction mag. Check it Read more…