How Not to Be A Low-Down Dirty Photo Thief
Are you violating copyright laws with the photos you use on your blog? Don’t think you’re safe just because “everyone else is doing it.” Find out what’s legal and use photos that are licensed specifically for sharing.
When is a book more than a book?
Sometimes a story is more real to you than your life, and the things you experience between its pages become a permanent part of your personal memories or impact your heart in ways that last long after you put it back on the shelf.
Feeling Guilty? Well, Stop It!
It was great fun combining two separate ocean sunrise scenes to get the effect I wanted with this wallpaper layout. I started with these: (Made available via Creative Commons license for modification by some wonderful folks on Flickr.) And ended up with this: “No Condemnation…” from Romans 8:1-2. This has Read more…
Serializing your novel and indie publishing
Came across this article and felt an immediate kinship with this author. As my writer peeps know, I’ve been planning to release my story(s) in serialized form, as “episodes”. Here’s the story of someone who did just that: Tips for Dividing Your Novel for Serialisation by Roz Morris Although she Read more…