So, I get this offer via a third party for the “Guru’s Guide” to email marketing from a company who shall remain nameless (except in the screenshot below, ha!). Always one to keep up with all things “guru”, I jump through the hoops to sign up and get this PDF about best practices for email marketing in 2011.

I download the PDF and browse through a little. It’s a little dry, but basically good info.

And then I go back to my inbox and there’s an email from the nameless company who just finished telling me all about email marketing best practices.

The email looks like this:

I’m not impressed.

Anybody have a link to some email marketers who actually walk the walk? Who impresses you with their email savvy?


Doug Wolven (alias Captain W) · at

Christmas Road Trip (iUniverse, May ’11) is going to hit 500k emails in a few weeks. I’ll let you know how that works out. I love your site and will definitely have to get your “pdf.”

Teddi · at

Hey, Doug! Congrats on your Christmas Road trip — that sounds great. Well, this post was about a different “guru’s guide”, but I am working on some materials that should be fun for people of our interests. You’re on my list, so you’ll know when it comes! 🙂

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