I’m doing NaNoWriMo again this year. It’s a fun writing challenge — 50,000 words in a month. I think last year I only wrote about 1,500 words, and I’m not sure there was anything worth counting the year or two before that.

But this time, I’ve been writing about 2,000 words a day. Once I started writing, that is. Despite good intentions, I did not use October to prep for this writing marathon. Thus, I spent the first 8 days or so finishing up my character designs and plotting. So my 2,000 words a day only started about 5 days ago.

NaNoWriMo stats 11/12/13

Still, there’s a rush with breaking 10,000 words!

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Categories: Writing


Suzanne Thompson · at

And in 5 days you’ve equaled my 10! 😉 My son’s school has one class doing the young writer’s part and next year my son’s teacher will be doing it as well!

I also got a kick out of the first sentence, “doing NaNoWriMo against this year”. Freudian slip?

    Teddi · at

    LOL! Yes, that was a slip! Now corrected.

    Thanks, Suzanne. That’s so cool about your son’s class. Great to hear some teachers are grabbing hold of the opportunity.

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