Ever taken a dive in the deep sea of the dictionary or wandered the forest of the thesaurus? [tweetthis url=”http://ctt.ec/syZ8q”]

Just checking.

It’s fun when words just flow out in some alliterative way. Playing with language is something writers have a chance to do every day. Words are our tools and our toys. Shades of meaning, connotation and implication — all these things can be harnessed to create the reader’s experience. Take time out to learn new words. Look up exact meanings. Find the right word for the job.

Take a dive in the deep sea of the dictionary.

Wander for hours in the forest of the thesaurus.

Write a little poetry.

It’s a wonderful writing life.

Categories: Writing

1 Comment

ladysaotome · at

There’s a small coffee hut here that posts their daily calendar word in the window of the drive-thru. It’s my favorite part about getting coffee there. I’m always thinking I should just get a calendar like that myself but then it would kill the specialness of their drive-thru for me!

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