I love my relationship with God. He’s here with me in a very real way, and it’s amazing. But I never stop thirsting for more and looking for ways to make our relationship even more amazing. That’s why I was excited to see what Brad Huebert had to say in his new book, Go with the Flow.

“Go with the Flow” by Brad Huebert

I met Brad at a writer’s conference once, and he is a fun guy. But this is the first time I’ve had a chance to read his writing in book form, and I’m glad he invited me to give my honest review in exchange for the book.

The phrase “non-religious” on the cover drew me in immediately. I can’t stand books that try to boil God (or our relationship with Him) down into a formula or put Him in a box. Brad’s writing is easy on the brain, it reads more like a conversation than a sermon.

But despite the cover saying “non-religious”, it wasn’t long before Brad starts outlining this approach to quiet time straight out of the Old Testament!

WHAT? How much more “religious” can you get?!

There was a page or two when I just shook my head and thought, “Yeah, he’s flowing. But he’s flowing in a goldfish bowl, not a river.”

But hang in there – it gets better. This isn’t a formula. I love that we can mine the riches of God’s symbolism in the temple layout and find a structure from which to springboard our quiet time.  [tweetthis url=”http://ctt.ec/h3a94″ size=”ttsm”]

And that’s what it really is: just a springboard. From there, it’s “to infinity and beyond!”

You want go deeper with God?
Get serious and actually DO what Brad outlines here.
Do it for 2 weeks straight.
I believe you’ll never be the same.

The beauty of this little book is that whether you’ve been a Christian for 50 years or 5 days, you can do this. And because our God is alive and loves to meet with us, you can find Him in this simple yet rich approach and have a wonderful time. And because time with God inevitably brings transformation, you’ll be changed. For the better. And that’s why I gave the book 5 stars — I can recommend it without reservation and trust that God will do something amazing for every single person who actually applies it to his or her life.

Brad HuebertBrad Huebert is a husband, father, new church-planter, author, and geek who loves Jesus like crazy. He lives with his amazing wife, Shauna and three kids in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Brad’s passion is to manifest Jesus Christ—his kingdom, his power, his love, his presence, his gospel… all for his glory. Because when Jesus is manifest… wow.

Website and blog: www.bradhuebert.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/christian.geeks
Twitter: @GeekFaithTribe
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/bradhuebert/

What book or idea has impacted your relationship with God the most? Leave a reply below…

1 Comment

Sparksofember · at

I remember back in the 90s, everyone was wearing those Christian “go against the flow” t-shirts. That’s what this book title reminded me of, only opposite. 😉

My husband has been doing a men’s study on The Prodigal God. We’ve been reading it together the night before his study and it has been fantastic. The author is a bit wordy at times but there have been so many times when we just stop reading for a minute to say, “dang!”, process and apply.

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